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MobileVRInterface Properties

The MobileVRInterface type exposes the following members.

Public propertyArIsAnchorDetectionEnabled

On an AR interface, true if anchor detection is enabled.

(Inherited from ARVRInterface.)
Public propertyDisplayToLens

The distance between the display and the lenses inside of the device in centimeters.

Public propertyDisplayWidth

The width of the display in centimeters.

Public propertyDynamicObject
Gets a new DynamicGodotObject associated with this instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public propertyEyeHeight

The height at which the camera is placed in relation to the ground (i.e. ARVROrigin node).

Public propertyInterfaceIsInitialized

true if this interface been initialized.

(Inherited from ARVRInterface.)
Public propertyInterfaceIsPrimary

true if this is the primary interface.

(Inherited from ARVRInterface.)
Public propertyIod

The interocular distance, also known as the interpupillary distance. The distance between the pupils of the left and right eye.

Public propertyK1

The k1 lens factor is one of the two constants that define the strength of the lens used and directly influences the lens distortion effect.

Public propertyK2

The k2 lens factor, see k1.

Public propertyNativeInstance (Inherited from Object.)
Public propertyOversample

The oversample setting. Because of the lens distortion we have to render our buffers at a higher resolution then the screen can natively handle. A value between 1.5 and 2.0 often provides good results but at the cost of performance.

See Also