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ExpressionExecute Method

Executes the expression that was previously parsed by Parse(String, String) and returns the result. Before you use the returned object, you should check if the method failed by calling HasExecuteFailed.

If you defined input variables in Parse(String, String), you can specify their values in the inputs array, in the same order.

Namespace:  Godot
Assembly:  GodotSharp (in GodotSharp.dll) Version: 1.0.0
public Object Execute(
	Array inputs = null,
	Object baseInstance = null,
	bool showError = true


inputs (Optional)
Type: Godot.CollectionsArray
If the parameter is null, then the default value is new Godot.Collections.Array {}
baseInstance (Optional)
Type: GodotObject

[Missing <param name="baseInstance"/> documentation for "M:Godot.Expression.Execute(Godot.Collections.Array,Godot.Object,System.Boolean)"]

showError (Optional)
Type: SystemBoolean

[Missing <param name="showError"/> documentation for "M:Godot.Expression.Execute(Godot.Collections.Array,Godot.Object,System.Boolean)"]

Return Value

Type: Object

[Missing <returns> documentation for "M:Godot.Expression.Execute(Godot.Collections.Array,Godot.Object,System.Boolean)"]

See Also