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Transform Methods

The Transform type exposes the following members.

Public methodAffineInverse
Returns the inverse of the transform, under the assumption that the transformation is composed of rotation, scaling, and translation.
Public methodEquals(Object) (Overrides ValueTypeEquals(Object).)
Public methodEquals(Transform)
Public methodGetHashCode (Overrides ValueTypeGetHashCode.)
Public methodGetType (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodInterpolateWith
Interpolates this transform to the other `transform` by `weight`.
Public methodInverse
Returns the inverse of the transform, under the assumption that the transformation is composed of rotation and translation (no scaling, use AffineInverse for transforms with scaling).
Public methodIsEqualApprox
Returns true if this transform and `other` are approximately equal, by running IsEqualApprox(Vector3) on each component.
Public methodLookingAt
Returns a copy of the transform rotated such that its -Z axis (forward) points towards the target position. The transform will first be rotated around the given up vector, and then fully aligned to the target by a further rotation around an axis perpendicular to both the target and up vectors. Operations take place in global space.
Public methodOrthonormalized
Returns the transform with the basis orthogonal (90 degrees), and normalized axis vectors (scale of 1 or -1).
Public methodRotated
Rotates the transform around the given `axis` by `phi` (in radians), using matrix multiplication. The axis must be a normalized vector.
Public methodScaled
Scales the transform by the given 3D scaling factor, using matrix multiplication.
Public methodSetLookAt
Public methodToString (Overrides ValueTypeToString.)
Public methodToString(String)
Public methodTranslated
Translates the transform by the given `offset`, relative to the transform's basis vectors. Unlike Rotated(Vector3, Single) and Scaled(Vector3), this does not use matrix multiplication.
Public methodXform
Returns a vector transformed (multiplied) by this transformation matrix.
Public methodXformInv
Returns a vector transformed (multiplied) by the transposed transformation matrix. Note: This results in a multiplication by the inverse of the transformation matrix only if it represents a rotation-reflection.
See Also