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Engine Methods

The Engine type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberGetAuthorInfo

Returns engine author information in a Dictionary.

lead_developers - Array of Strings, lead developer names

founders - Array of Strings, founder names

project_managers - Array of Strings, project manager names

developers - Array of Strings, developer names

Public methodStatic memberGetCopyrightInfo

Returns an Array of copyright information Dictionaries.

name - String, component name

parts - Array of Dictionaries {files, copyright, license} describing subsections of the component

Public methodStatic memberGetDonorInfo

Returns a Dictionary of Arrays of donor names.

{platinum_sponsors, gold_sponsors, silver_sponsors, bronze_sponsors, mini_sponsors, gold_donors, silver_donors, bronze_donors}

Public methodStatic memberGetFramesDrawn

Returns the total number of frames drawn. If the render loop is disabled with --disable-render-loop via command line, this returns 0. See also GetIdleFrames.

Public methodStatic memberGetFramesPerSecond

Returns the frames per second of the running game.

Public methodStatic memberGetIdleFrames

Returns the total number of frames passed since engine initialization which is advanced on each idle frame, regardless of whether the render loop is enabled. See also GetFramesDrawn.

Public methodStatic memberGetIterationsPerSecond Obsolete.
Public methodStatic memberGetLicenseInfo

Returns Dictionary of licenses used by Godot and included third party components.

Public methodStatic memberGetLicenseText

Returns Godot license text.

Public methodStatic memberGetMainLoop

Returns the main loop object (see MainLoop and SceneTree).

Public methodStatic memberGetPhysicsFrames

Returns the total number of frames passed since engine initialization which is advanced on each physics frame.

Public methodStatic memberGetPhysicsInterpolationFraction

Returns the fraction through the current physics tick we are at the time of rendering the frame. This can be used to implement fixed timestep interpolation.

Public methodStatic memberGetPhysicsJitterFix Obsolete.
Public methodStatic memberGetSingleton

Returns a global singleton with given name. Often used for plugins, e.g. GodotPayment on Android.

Public methodStatic memberGetTargetFps Obsolete.
Public methodStatic memberGetTimeScale Obsolete.
Public methodStatic memberGetVersionInfo

Returns the current engine version information in a Dictionary.

major - Holds the major version number as an int

minor - Holds the minor version number as an int

patch - Holds the patch version number as an int

hex - Holds the full version number encoded as a hexadecimal int with one byte (2 places) per number (see example below)

status - Holds the status (e.g. "beta", "rc1", "rc2", ... "stable") as a String

build - Holds the build name (e.g. "custom_build") as a String

hash - Holds the full Git commit hash as a String

year - Holds the year the version was released in as an int

string - major + minor + patch + status + build in a single String

The hex value is encoded as follows, from left to right: one byte for the major, one byte for the minor, one byte for the patch version. For example, "3.1.12" would be 0x03010C. Note: It's still an int internally, and printing it will give you its decimal representation, which is not particularly meaningful. Use hexadecimal literals for easy version comparisons from code:

if Engine.get_version_info().hex >= 0x030200:
    # Do things specific to version 3.2 or later
    # Do things specific to versions before 3.2

Public methodStatic memberHasSingleton

Returns true if a singleton with given name exists in global scope.

Public methodStatic memberIsEditorHint Obsolete.
Public methodStatic memberIsInPhysicsFrame

Returns true if the game is inside the fixed process and physics phase of the game loop.

Public methodStatic memberSetEditorHint Obsolete.
Public methodStatic memberSetIterationsPerSecond Obsolete.
Public methodStatic memberSetPhysicsJitterFix Obsolete.
Public methodStatic memberSetTargetFps Obsolete.
Public methodStatic memberSetTimeScale Obsolete.
See Also