Click or drag to resize

ScrollBar Class

Scrollbars are a Range-based Control, that display a draggable area (the size of the page). Horizontal (HScrollBar) and Vertical (VScrollBar) versions are available.

Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Godot
Assembly:  GodotSharp (in GodotSharp.dll) Version: 1.0.0
public abstract class ScrollBar : Range

The ScrollBar type exposes the following members.

Public property_ImportPath (Inherited from Node.)
Public propertyAllowGreater

If true, Value may be greater than MaxValue.

(Inherited from Range.)
Public propertyAllowLesser

If true, Value may be less than MinValue.

(Inherited from Range.)
Public propertyAnchorBottom

Anchors the bottom edge of the node to the origin, the center, or the end of its parent control. It changes how the bottom margin updates when the node moves or changes size. You can use one of the ControlAnchor constants for convenience.

(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyAnchorLeft

Anchors the left edge of the node to the origin, the center or the end of its parent control. It changes how the left margin updates when the node moves or changes size. You can use one of the ControlAnchor constants for convenience.

(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyAnchorRight

Anchors the right edge of the node to the origin, the center or the end of its parent control. It changes how the right margin updates when the node moves or changes size. You can use one of the ControlAnchor constants for convenience.

(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyAnchorTop

Anchors the top edge of the node to the origin, the center or the end of its parent control. It changes how the top margin updates when the node moves or changes size. You can use one of the ControlAnchor constants for convenience.

(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyCustomMultiplayer

The override to the default MultiplayerAPI. Set to null to use the default SceneTree one.

(Inherited from Node.)
Public propertyCustomStep

Overrides the step used when clicking increment and decrement buttons or when using arrow keys when the ScrollBar is focused.

Public propertyDynamicObject
Gets a new DynamicGodotObject associated with this instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public propertyEditorDescription (Inherited from Node.)
Public propertyExpEdit

If true, and min_value is greater than 0, value will be represented exponentially rather than linearly.

(Inherited from Range.)
Public propertyFilename

When a scene is instanced from a file, its topmost node contains the filename from which it was loaded.

(Inherited from Node.)
Public propertyFocusMode

The focus access mode for the control (None, Click or All). Only one Control can be focused at the same time, and it will receive keyboard signals.

(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyFocusNeighbourBottom

Tells Godot which node it should give keyboard focus to if the user presses the down arrow on the keyboard or down on a gamepad by default. You can change the key by editing the ui_down input action. The node must be a Control. If this property is not set, Godot will give focus to the closest Control to the bottom of this one.

(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyFocusNeighbourLeft

Tells Godot which node it should give keyboard focus to if the user presses the left arrow on the keyboard or left on a gamepad by default. You can change the key by editing the ui_left input action. The node must be a Control. If this property is not set, Godot will give focus to the closest Control to the left of this one.

(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyFocusNeighbourRight

Tells Godot which node it should give keyboard focus to if the user presses the right arrow on the keyboard or right on a gamepad by default. You can change the key by editing the ui_right input action. The node must be a Control. If this property is not set, Godot will give focus to the closest Control to the bottom of this one.

(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyFocusNeighbourTop

Tells Godot which node it should give keyboard focus to if the user presses the top arrow on the keyboard or top on a gamepad by default. You can change the key by editing the ui_top input action. The node must be a Control. If this property is not set, Godot will give focus to the closest Control to the bottom of this one.

(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyFocusNext

Tells Godot which node it should give keyboard focus to if the user presses Tab on a keyboard by default. You can change the key by editing the ui_focus_next input action.

If this property is not set, Godot will select a "best guess" based on surrounding nodes in the scene tree.

(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyFocusPrevious

Tells Godot which node it should give keyboard focus to if the user presses Shift+Tab on a keyboard by default. You can change the key by editing the ui_focus_prev input action.

If this property is not set, Godot will select a "best guess" based on surrounding nodes in the scene tree.

(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyGrowHorizontal

Controls the direction on the horizontal axis in which the control should grow if its horizontal minimum size is changed to be greater than its current size, as the control always has to be at least the minimum size.

(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyGrowVertical

Controls the direction on the vertical axis in which the control should grow if its vertical minimum size is changed to be greater than its current size, as the control always has to be at least the minimum size.

(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyHintTooltip

Changes the tooltip text. The tooltip appears when the user's mouse cursor stays idle over this control for a few moments, provided that the MouseFilter property is not . You can change the time required for the tooltip to appear with gui/timers/tooltip_delay_sec option in Project Settings.

The tooltip popup will use either a default implementation, or a custom one that you can provide by overriding _MakeCustomTooltip(String). The default tooltip includes a PopupPanel and Label whose theme properties can be customized using Theme methods with the "TooltipPanel" and "TooltipLabel" respectively. For example:

var style_box =
style_box.set_bg_color(Color(1, 1, 0))
# We assume here that the `theme` property has been assigned a custom Theme beforehand.
theme.set_stylebox("panel", "TooltipPanel", style_box)
theme.set_color("font_color", "TooltipLabel", Color(0, 1, 1))

(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyInputPassOnModalCloseClick

Enables whether input should propagate when you close the control as modal.

If false, stops event handling at the viewport input event handling. The viewport first hides the modal and after marks the input as handled.

(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyLightMask

The rendering layers in which this CanvasItem responds to Light2D nodes.

(Inherited from CanvasItem.)
Public propertyMarginBottom

Distance between the node's bottom edge and its parent control, based on AnchorBottom.

Margins are often controlled by one or multiple parent Container nodes, so you should not modify them manually if your node is a direct child of a Container. Margins update automatically when you move or resize the node.

(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyMarginLeft

Distance between the node's left edge and its parent control, based on AnchorLeft.

Margins are often controlled by one or multiple parent Container nodes, so you should not modify them manually if your node is a direct child of a Container. Margins update automatically when you move or resize the node.

(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyMarginRight

Distance between the node's right edge and its parent control, based on AnchorRight.

Margins are often controlled by one or multiple parent Container nodes, so you should not modify them manually if your node is a direct child of a Container. Margins update automatically when you move or resize the node.

(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyMarginTop

Distance between the node's top edge and its parent control, based on AnchorTop.

Margins are often controlled by one or multiple parent Container nodes, so you should not modify them manually if your node is a direct child of a Container. Margins update automatically when you move or resize the node.

(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyMaterial

The material applied to textures on this CanvasItem.

(Inherited from CanvasItem.)
Public propertyMaxValue

Maximum value. Range is clamped if value is greater than max_value.

(Inherited from Range.)
Public propertyMinValue

Minimum value. Range is clamped if value is less than min_value.

(Inherited from Range.)
Public propertyModulate

The color applied to textures on this CanvasItem.

(Inherited from CanvasItem.)
Public propertyMouseDefaultCursorShape

The default cursor shape for this control. Useful for Godot plugins and applications or games that use the system's mouse cursors.

Note: On Linux, shapes may vary depending on the cursor theme of the system.

(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyMouseFilter

Controls whether the control will be able to receive mouse button input events through _GuiInput(InputEvent) and how these events should be handled. Also controls whether the control can receive the mouse_entered, and mouse_exited signals. See the constants to learn what each does.

(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyMultiplayer

The MultiplayerAPI instance associated with this node. Either the CustomMultiplayer, or the default SceneTree one (if inside tree).

(Inherited from Node.)
Public propertyName

The name of the node. This name is unique among the siblings (other child nodes from the same parent). When set to an existing name, the node will be automatically renamed.

Note: Auto-generated names might include the @ character, which is reserved for unique names when using AddChild(Node, Boolean). When setting the name manually, any @ will be removed.

(Inherited from Node.)
Public propertyNativeInstance (Inherited from Object.)
Public propertyOwner

The node owner. A node can have any other node as owner (as long as it is a valid parent, grandparent, etc. ascending in the tree). When saving a node (using PackedScene), all the nodes it owns will be saved with it. This allows for the creation of complex SceneTrees, with instancing and subinstancing.

(Inherited from Node.)
Public propertyPage

Page size. Used mainly for ScrollBar. ScrollBar's length is its size multiplied by page over the difference between min_value and max_value.

(Inherited from Range.)
Public propertyPauseMode

Pause mode. How the node will behave if the SceneTree is paused.

(Inherited from Node.)
Public propertyProcessPriority

The node's priority in the execution order of the enabled processing callbacks (i.e. , and their internal counterparts). Nodes whose process priority value is lower will have their processing callbacks executed first.

(Inherited from Node.)
Public propertyRatio

The value mapped between 0 and 1.

(Inherited from Range.)
Public propertyRectClipContent

Enables whether rendering of CanvasItem based children should be clipped to this control's rectangle. If true, parts of a child which would be visibly outside of this control's rectangle will not be rendered.

(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyRectGlobalPosition

The node's global position, relative to the world (usually to the top-left corner of the window).

(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyRectMinSize

The minimum size of the node's bounding rectangle. If you set it to a value greater than (0, 0), the node's bounding rectangle will always have at least this size, even if its content is smaller. If it's set to (0, 0), the node sizes automatically to fit its content, be it a texture or child nodes.

(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyRectPivotOffset

By default, the node's pivot is its top-left corner. When you change its RectScale, it will scale around this pivot. Set this property to RectSize / 2 to center the pivot in the node's rectangle.

(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyRectPosition

The node's position, relative to its parent. It corresponds to the rectangle's top-left corner. The property is not affected by RectPivotOffset.

(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyRectRotation

The node's rotation around its pivot, in degrees. See RectPivotOffset to change the pivot's position.

(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyRectScale

The node's scale, relative to its RectSize. Change this property to scale the node around its RectPivotOffset. The Control's HintTooltip will also scale according to this value.

Note: This property is mainly intended to be used for animation purposes. Text inside the Control will look pixelated or blurry when the Control is scaled. To support multiple resolutions in your project, use an appropriate viewport stretch mode as described in the documentation instead of scaling Controls individually.

Note: If the Control node is a child of a Container node, the scale will be reset to Vector2(1, 1) when the scene is instanced. To set the Control's scale when it's instanced, wait for one frame using yield(get_tree(), "idle_frame") then set its RectScale property.

(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyRectSize

The size of the node's bounding rectangle, in pixels. Container nodes update this property automatically.

(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyRounded

If true, value will always be rounded to the nearest integer.

(Inherited from Range.)
Public propertySelfModulate

The color applied to textures on this CanvasItem. This is not inherited by children CanvasItems.

(Inherited from CanvasItem.)
Public propertyShowBehindParent

If true, the object draws behind its parent.

(Inherited from CanvasItem.)
Public propertyShowOnTop

If true, the object draws on top of its parent.

(Inherited from CanvasItem.)
Public propertySizeFlagsHorizontal

Tells the parent Container nodes how they should resize and place the node on the X axis. Use one of the ControlSizeFlags constants to change the flags. See the constants to learn what each does.

(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertySizeFlagsStretchRatio

If the node and at least one of its neighbours uses the size flag, the parent Container will let it take more or less space depending on this property. If this node has a stretch ratio of 2 and its neighbour a ratio of 1, this node will take two thirds of the available space.

(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertySizeFlagsVertical

Tells the parent Container nodes how they should resize and place the node on the Y axis. Use one of the ControlSizeFlags constants to change the flags. See the constants to learn what each does.

(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyStep

If greater than 0, value will always be rounded to a multiple of step. If rounded is also true, value will first be rounded to a multiple of step then rounded to the nearest integer.

(Inherited from Range.)
Public propertyTheme

Changing this property replaces the current Theme resource this node and all its Control children use.

(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyUseParentMaterial

If true, the parent CanvasItem's Material property is used as this one's material.

(Inherited from CanvasItem.)
Public propertyValue

Range's current value.

(Inherited from Range.)
Public propertyVisible

If true, this CanvasItem is drawn. The node is only visible if all of its antecedents are visible as well (in other words, IsVisibleInTree must return true).

Note: For controls that inherit Popup, the correct way to make them visible is to call one of the multiple popup*() functions instead.

(Inherited from CanvasItem.)
Public method_ClipsInput

Virtual method to be implemented by the user. Returns whether _GuiInput(InputEvent) should not be called for children controls outside this control's rectangle. Input will be clipped to the Rect of this Control. Similar to RectClipContent, but doesn't affect visibility.

If not overridden, defaults to false.

(Inherited from Control.)
Public method_Draw

Overridable function called by the engine (if defined) to draw the canvas item.

(Inherited from CanvasItem.)
Public method_EnterTree

Called when the node enters the SceneTree (e.g. upon instancing, scene changing, or after calling AddChild(Node, Boolean) in a script). If the node has children, its _EnterTree callback will be called first, and then that of the children.

Corresponds to the notification in _Notification(Int32).

(Inherited from Node.)
Public method_ExitTree

Called when the node is about to leave the SceneTree (e.g. upon freeing, scene changing, or after calling RemoveChild(Node) in a script). If the node has children, its _ExitTree callback will be called last, after all its children have left the tree.

Corresponds to the notification in _Notification(Int32) and signal tree_exiting. To get notified when the node has already left the active tree, connect to the tree_exited.

(Inherited from Node.)
Public method_Get

Virtual method which can be overridden to customize the return value of Get(String).

Returns the given property. Returns null if the property does not exist.

(Inherited from Object.)
Public method_GetConfigurationWarning

The string returned from this method is displayed as a warning in the Scene Dock if the script that overrides it is a tool script.

Returning an empty string produces no warning.

Call UpdateConfigurationWarning when the warning needs to be updated for this node.

(Inherited from Node.)
Public method_GetMinimumSize

Virtual method to be implemented by the user. Returns the minimum size for this control. Alternative to RectMinSize for controlling minimum size via code. The actual minimum size will be the max value of these two (in each axis separately).

If not overridden, defaults to .

(Inherited from Control.)
Public method_GetPropertyList

Virtual method which can be overridden to customize the return value of GetPropertyList.

Returns the object's property list as an Array of dictionaries.

Each property's Dictionary must contain at least name: String and type: int (see VariantType) entries. Optionally, it can also include hint: int (see PropertyHint), hint_string: String, and usage: int (see PropertyUsageFlags).

(Inherited from Object.)
Public method_GuiInput

Virtual method to be implemented by the user. Use this method to process and accept inputs on UI elements. See AcceptEvent.

Example: clicking a control.

func _gui_input(event):
    if event is InputEventMouseButton:
        if event.button_index == BUTTON_LEFT and event.pressed:
            print("I've been clicked D:")

The event won't trigger if:

* clicking outside the control (see HasPoint(Vector2));

* control has MouseFilter set to ;

* control is obstructed by another Control on top of it, which doesn't have MouseFilter set to ;

* control's parent has MouseFilter set to or has accepted the event;

* it happens outside parent's rectangle and the parent has either RectClipContent or _ClipsInput enabled.

(Inherited from Control.)
Public method_Input

Called when there is an input event. The input event propagates up through the node tree until a node consumes it.

It is only called if input processing is enabled, which is done automatically if this method is overridden, and can be toggled with SetProcessInput(Boolean).

To consume the input event and stop it propagating further to other nodes, SetInputAsHandled can be called.

For gameplay input, _UnhandledInput(InputEvent) and _UnhandledKeyInput(InputEventKey) are usually a better fit as they allow the GUI to intercept the events first.

Note: This method is only called if the node is present in the scene tree (i.e. if it's not orphan).

(Inherited from Node.)
Public method_MakeCustomTooltip

Virtual method to be implemented by the user. Returns a Control node that should be used as a tooltip instead of the default one. The for_text includes the contents of the HintTooltip property.

The returned node must be of type Control or Control-derived. It can have child nodes of any type. It is freed when the tooltip disappears, so make sure you always provide a new instance (if you want to use a pre-existing node from your scene tree, you can duplicate it and pass the duplicated instance).When null or a non-Control node is returned, the default tooltip will be used instead.

The returned node will be added as child to a PopupPanel, so you should only provide the contents of that panel. That PopupPanel can be themed using SetStylebox(String, String, StyleBox) for the type "TooltipPanel" (see HintTooltip for an example).

Note: The tooltip is shrunk to minimal size. If you want to ensure it's fully visible, you might want to set its RectMinSize to some non-zero value.

Example of usage with a custom-constructed node:

func _make_custom_tooltip(for_text):
    var label =
    label.text = for_text
    return label

Example of usage with a custom scene instance:

func _make_custom_tooltip(for_text):
    var tooltip = preload("res://SomeTooltipScene.tscn").instance()
    tooltip.get_node("Label").text = for_text
    return tooltip

(Inherited from Control.)
Public method_Notification

Called whenever the object receives a notification, which is identified in what by a constant. The base Object has two constants and , but subclasses such as Node define a lot more notifications which are also received by this method.

(Inherited from Object.)
Public method_PhysicsProcess

Called during the physics processing step of the main loop. Physics processing means that the frame rate is synced to the physics, i.e. the delta variable should be constant. delta is in seconds.

It is only called if physics processing is enabled, which is done automatically if this method is overridden, and can be toggled with SetPhysicsProcess(Boolean).

Corresponds to the notification in _Notification(Int32).

Note: This method is only called if the node is present in the scene tree (i.e. if it's not orphan).

(Inherited from Node.)
Public method_Process

Called during the processing step of the main loop. Processing happens at every frame and as fast as possible, so the delta time since the previous frame is not constant. delta is in seconds.

It is only called if processing is enabled, which is done automatically if this method is overridden, and can be toggled with SetProcess(Boolean).

Corresponds to the notification in _Notification(Int32).

Note: This method is only called if the node is present in the scene tree (i.e. if it's not orphan).

(Inherited from Node.)
Public method_Ready

Called when the node is "ready", i.e. when both the node and its children have entered the scene tree. If the node has children, their _Ready callbacks get triggered first, and the parent node will receive the ready notification afterwards.

Corresponds to the notification in _Notification(Int32). See also the onready keyword for variables.

Usually used for initialization. For even earlier initialization, may be used. See also _EnterTree.

Note: _Ready may be called only once for each node. After removing a node from the scene tree and adding again, _ready will not be called for the second time. This can be bypassed with requesting another call with RequestReady, which may be called anywhere before adding the node again.

(Inherited from Node.)
Public method_Set

Virtual method which can be overridden to customize the return value of Set(String, Object).

Sets a property. Returns true if the property exists.

(Inherited from Object.)
Public method_UnhandledInput

Called when an InputEvent hasn't been consumed by _Input(InputEvent) or any GUI. The input event propagates up through the node tree until a node consumes it.

It is only called if unhandled input processing is enabled, which is done automatically if this method is overridden, and can be toggled with SetProcessUnhandledInput(Boolean).

To consume the input event and stop it propagating further to other nodes, SetInputAsHandled can be called.

For gameplay input, this and _UnhandledKeyInput(InputEventKey) are usually a better fit than _Input(InputEvent) as they allow the GUI to intercept the events first.

Note: This method is only called if the node is present in the scene tree (i.e. if it's not orphan).

(Inherited from Node.)
Public method_UnhandledKeyInput

Called when an InputEventKey hasn't been consumed by _Input(InputEvent) or any GUI. The input event propagates up through the node tree until a node consumes it.

It is only called if unhandled key input processing is enabled, which is done automatically if this method is overridden, and can be toggled with SetProcessUnhandledKeyInput(Boolean).

To consume the input event and stop it propagating further to other nodes, SetInputAsHandled can be called.

For gameplay input, this and _UnhandledInput(InputEvent) are usually a better fit than _Input(InputEvent) as they allow the GUI to intercept the events first.

Note: This method is only called if the node is present in the scene tree (i.e. if it's not orphan).

(Inherited from Node.)
Public methodAcceptEvent

Marks an input event as handled. Once you accept an input event, it stops propagating, even to nodes listening to _UnhandledInput(InputEvent) or _UnhandledKeyInput(InputEventKey).

(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodAddChild

Adds a child node. Nodes can have any number of children, but every child must have a unique name. Child nodes are automatically deleted when the parent node is deleted, so an entire scene can be removed by deleting its topmost node.

If legible_unique_name is true, the child node will have a human-readable name based on the name of the node being instanced instead of its type.

Note: If the child node already has a parent, the function will fail. Use RemoveChild(Node) first to remove the node from its current parent. For example:

if child_node.get_parent():

Note: If you want a child to be persisted to a PackedScene, you must set Owner in addition to calling AddChild(Node, Boolean). This is typically relevant for tool scripts and editor plugins. If AddChild(Node, Boolean) is called without setting Owner, the newly added Node will not be visible in the scene tree, though it will be visible in the 2D/3D view.

(Inherited from Node.)
Public methodAddChildBelowNode

Adds child_node as a child. The child is placed below the given node in the list of children.

If legible_unique_name is true, the child node will have a human-readable name based on the name of the node being instanced instead of its type.

(Inherited from Node.)
Public methodAddColorOverride

Overrides the Color with given name in the Theme resource the control uses.

Note: Unlike other theme overrides, there is no way to undo a color override without manually assigning the previous color.

Example of overriding a label's color and resetting it later:

# Override the child node "MyLabel"'s font color to orange.
$MyLabel.add_color_override("font_color", Color(1, 0.5, 0))

# Reset the color by creating a new node to get the default value:
var default_label_color ="font_color")
$MyLabel.add_color_override("font_color", default_label_color)

(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodAddConstantOverride

Overrides an integer constant with given name in the Theme resource the control uses. If the constant is 0, the override is cleared and the constant from assigned Theme is used.

(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodAddFontOverride

Overrides the font with given name in the Theme resource the control uses. If font is null or invalid, the override is cleared and the font from assigned Theme is used.

(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodAddIconOverride

Overrides the icon with given name in the Theme resource the control uses. If icon is null or invalid, the override is cleared and the icon from assigned Theme is used.

(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodAddShaderOverride

Overrides the Shader with given name in the Theme resource the control uses. If shader is null or invalid, the override is cleared and the shader from assigned Theme is used.

(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodAddStyleboxOverride

Overrides the StyleBox with given name in the Theme resource the control uses. If stylebox is empty or invalid, the override is cleared and the StyleBox from assigned Theme is used.

Example of modifying a property in a StyleBox by duplicating it:

# The snippet below assumes the child node MyButton has a StyleBoxFlat assigned.
# Resources are shared across instances, so we need to duplicate it
# to avoid modifying the appearance of all other buttons.
var new_stylebox_normal = $MyButton.get_stylebox("normal").duplicate()
new_stylebox_normal.border_width_top = 3
new_stylebox_normal.border_color = Color(0, 1, 0.5)
$MyButton.add_stylebox_override("normal", new_stylebox_normal)

# Remove the stylebox override:
$MyButton.add_stylebox_override("normal", null)

(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodAddToGroup

Adds the node to a group. Groups are helpers to name and organize a subset of nodes, for example "enemies" or "collectables". A node can be in any number of groups. Nodes can be assigned a group at any time, but will not be added until they are inside the scene tree (see IsInsideTree). See notes in the description, and the group methods in SceneTree.

The persistent option is used when packing node to PackedScene and saving to file. Non-persistent groups aren't stored.

(Inherited from Node.)
Public methodAddUserSignal

Adds a user-defined signal. Arguments are optional, but can be added as an Array of dictionaries, each containing name: String and type: int (see VariantType) entries.

(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodCall

Calls the method on the object and returns the result. This method supports a variable number of arguments, so parameters are passed as a comma separated list. Example:

call("set", "position", Vector2(42.0, 0.0))

Note: In C#, the method name must be specified as snake_case if it is defined by a built-in Godot node. This doesn't apply to user-defined methods where you should use the same convention as in the C# source (typically PascalCase).

(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodCallDeferred

Calls the method on the object during idle time. This method supports a variable number of arguments, so parameters are passed as a comma separated list. Example:

call_deferred("set", "position", Vector2(42.0, 0.0))

Note: In C#, the method name must be specified as snake_case if it is defined by a built-in Godot node. This doesn't apply to user-defined methods where you should use the same convention as in the C# source (typically PascalCase).

(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodCallv

Calls the method on the object and returns the result. Contrarily to Call(String, Object), this method does not support a variable number of arguments but expects all parameters to be via a single Array.

callv("set", [ "position", Vector2(42.0, 0.0) ])

(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodCanDropData

Godot calls this method to test if data from a control's GetDragData(Vector2) can be dropped at position. position is local to this control.

This method should only be used to test the data. Process the data in DropData(Vector2, Object).

func can_drop_data(position, data):
    # Check position if it is relevant to you
    # Otherwise, just check data
    return typeof(data) == TYPE_DICTIONARY and data.has("expected")

(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodCanProcess

Returns true if the node can process while the scene tree is paused (see PauseMode). Always returns true if the scene tree is not paused, and false if the node is not in the tree.

(Inherited from Node.)
Public methodCanTranslateMessages

Returns true if the object can translate strings. See SetMessageTranslation(Boolean) and Tr(String).

(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodConnect

Connects a signal to a method on a target object. Pass optional binds to the call as an Array of parameters. These parameters will be passed to the method after any parameter used in the call to EmitSignal(String, Object). Use flags to set deferred or one-shot connections. See ObjectConnectFlags constants.

A signal can only be connected once to a method. It will throw an error if already connected, unless the signal was connected with . To avoid this, first, use IsConnected(String, Object, String) to check for existing connections.

If the target is destroyed in the game's lifecycle, the connection will be lost.


connect("pressed", self, "_on_Button_pressed") # BaseButton signal
connect("text_entered", self, "_on_LineEdit_text_entered") # LineEdit signal
connect("hit", self, "_on_Player_hit", [ weapon_type, damage ]) # User-defined signal

An example of the relationship between binds passed to Connect(String, Object, String, Array, UInt32) and parameters used when calling EmitSignal(String, Object):

connect("hit", self, "_on_Player_hit", [ weapon_type, damage ]) # weapon_type and damage are passed last
emit_signal("hit", "Dark lord", 5) # "Dark lord" and 5 are passed first
func _on_Player_hit(hit_by, level, weapon_type, damage):
    print("Hit by %s (lvl %d) with weapon %s for %d damage" % [hit_by, level, weapon_type, damage])

(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodDisconnect

Disconnects a signal from a method on the given target.

If you try to disconnect a connection that does not exist, the method will throw an error. Use IsConnected(String, Object, String) to ensure that the connection exists.

(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodDispose (Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodDispose(Boolean) (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodDrawArc

Draws an arc between the given angles. The larger the value of point_count, the smoother the curve.

(Inherited from CanvasItem.)
Public methodDrawChar

Draws a string character using a custom font. Returns the advance, depending on the character width and kerning with an optional next character.

(Inherited from CanvasItem.)
Public methodDrawCircle

Draws a colored circle.

(Inherited from CanvasItem.)
Public methodDrawColoredPolygon

Draws a colored polygon of any amount of points, convex or concave.

(Inherited from CanvasItem.)
Public methodDrawLine

Draws a line from a 2D point to another, with a given color and width. It can be optionally antialiased.

(Inherited from CanvasItem.)
Public methodDrawMesh

Draws a Mesh in 2D, using the provided texture. See MeshInstance2D for related documentation.

(Inherited from CanvasItem.)
Public methodDrawMultiline

Draws multiple, parallel lines with a uniform color.

Note: width and antialiased are currently not implemented and have no effect.

(Inherited from CanvasItem.)
Public methodDrawMultilineColors

Draws multiple, parallel lines with a uniform width and segment-by-segment coloring. Colors assigned to line segments match by index between points and colors.

Note: width and antialiased are currently not implemented and have no effect.

(Inherited from CanvasItem.)
Public methodDrawMultimesh

Draws a MultiMesh in 2D with the provided texture. See MultiMeshInstance2D for related documentation.

(Inherited from CanvasItem.)
Public methodDrawPolygon

Draws a polygon of any amount of points, convex or concave.

(Inherited from CanvasItem.)
Public methodDrawPolyline

Draws interconnected line segments with a uniform color and width and optional antialiasing.

(Inherited from CanvasItem.)
Public methodDrawPolylineColors

Draws interconnected line segments with a uniform width, segment-by-segment coloring, and optional antialiasing. Colors assigned to line segments match by index between points and colors.

(Inherited from CanvasItem.)
Public methodDrawPrimitive

Draws a custom primitive. 1 point for a point, 2 points for a line, 3 points for a triangle and 4 points for a quad.

(Inherited from CanvasItem.)
Public methodDrawRect

Draws a rectangle. If filled is true, the rectangle will be filled with the color specified. If filled is false, the rectangle will be drawn as a stroke with the color and width specified. If antialiased is true, the lines will be antialiased.

Note: width and antialiased are only effective if filled is false.

(Inherited from CanvasItem.)
Public methodDrawSetTransform

Sets a custom transform for drawing via components. Anything drawn afterwards will be transformed by this.

(Inherited from CanvasItem.)
Public methodDrawSetTransformMatrix

Sets a custom transform for drawing via matrix. Anything drawn afterwards will be transformed by this.

(Inherited from CanvasItem.)
Public methodDrawString

Draws text using the specified font at the position (bottom-left corner using the baseline of the font). The text will have its color multiplied by modulate. If clip_w is greater than or equal to 0, the text will be clipped if it exceeds the specified width.

Example using the default project font:

# If using this method in a script that redraws constantly, move the
# `default_font` declaration to a member variable assigned in `_ready()`
# so the Control is only created once.
var default_font ="font")
draw_string(default_font, Vector2(64, 64), "Hello world")

See also Draw(RID, Vector2, String, NullableColor, Int32, NullableColor).

(Inherited from CanvasItem.)
Public methodDrawStyleBox

Draws a styled rectangle.

(Inherited from CanvasItem.)
Public methodDrawTexture

Draws a texture at a given position.

(Inherited from CanvasItem.)
Public methodDrawTextureRect

Draws a textured rectangle at a given position, optionally modulated by a color. If transpose is true, the texture will have its X and Y coordinates swapped.

(Inherited from CanvasItem.)
Public methodDrawTextureRectRegion

Draws a textured rectangle region at a given position, optionally modulated by a color. If transpose is true, the texture will have its X and Y coordinates swapped.

(Inherited from CanvasItem.)
Public methodDropData

Godot calls this method to pass you the data from a control's GetDragData(Vector2) result. Godot first calls CanDropData(Vector2, Object) to test if data is allowed to drop at position where position is local to this control.

func can_drop_data(position, data):
    return typeof(data) == TYPE_DICTIONARY and data.has("color")

func drop_data(position, data):
    color = data["color"]

(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodDuplicate

Duplicates the node, returning a new node.

You can fine-tune the behavior using the flags (see NodeDuplicateFlags).

Note: It will not work properly if the node contains a script with constructor arguments (i.e. needs to supply arguments to method). In that case, the node will be duplicated without a script.

(Inherited from Node.)
Public methodEmitSignal

Emits the given signal. The signal must exist, so it should be a built-in signal of this class or one of its parent classes, or a user-defined signal. This method supports a variable number of arguments, so parameters are passed as a comma separated list. Example:

emit_signal("hit", weapon_type, damage)

(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodEquals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodFindNextValidFocus

Finds the next (below in the tree) Control that can receive the focus.

(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodFindNode

Finds a descendant of this node whose name matches mask as in String.match (i.e. case-sensitive, but "*" matches zero or more characters and "?" matches any single character except ".").

Note: It does not match against the full path, just against individual node names.

If owned is true, this method only finds nodes whose owner is this node. This is especially important for scenes instantiated through a script, because those scenes don't have an owner.

Note: As this method walks through all the descendants of the node, it is the slowest way to get a reference to another node. Whenever possible, consider using GetNode(NodePath) instead. To avoid using FindNode(String, Boolean, Boolean) too often, consider caching the node reference into a variable.

(Inherited from Node.)
Public methodFindParent

Finds the first parent of the current node whose name matches mask as in String.match (i.e. case-sensitive, but "*" matches zero or more characters and "?" matches any single character except ".").

Note: It does not match against the full path, just against individual node names.

Note: As this method walks upwards in the scene tree, it can be slow in large, deeply nested scene trees. Whenever possible, consider using GetNode(NodePath) instead. To avoid using FindParent(String) too often, consider caching the node reference into a variable.

(Inherited from Node.)
Public methodFindPrevValidFocus

Finds the previous (above in the tree) Control that can receive the focus.

(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodForceDrag

Forces drag and bypasses GetDragData(Vector2) and SetDragPreview(Control) by passing data and preview. Drag will start even if the mouse is neither over nor pressed on this control.

The methods CanDropData(Vector2, Object) and DropData(Vector2, Object) must be implemented on controls that want to receive drop data.

(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodForceUpdateTransform

Forces the transform to update. Transform changes in physics are not instant for performance reasons. Transforms are accumulated and then set. Use this if you need an up-to-date transform when doing physics operations.

(Inherited from CanvasItem.)
Public methodFree

Deletes the object from memory immediately. For Nodes, you may want to use QueueFree to queue the node for safe deletion at the end of the current frame.

Important: If you have a variable pointing to an object, it will not be assigned to null once the object is freed. Instead, it will point to a previously freed instance and you should validate it with @GDScript.is_instance_valid before attempting to call its methods or access its properties.

(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGet

Returns the Variant value of the given property. If the property doesn't exist, this will return null.

Note: In C#, the property name must be specified as snake_case if it is defined by a built-in Godot node. This doesn't apply to user-defined properties where you should use the same convention as in the C# source (typically PascalCase).

(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetAnchor Obsolete.

Returns the anchor identified by margin constant from Margin enum. A getter method for AnchorBottom, AnchorLeft, AnchorRight and AnchorTop.

(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodGetAsRatio Obsolete. (Inherited from Range.)
Public methodGetBegin

Returns MarginLeft and MarginTop. See also RectPosition.

(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodGetCanvas

Returns the RID of the World2D canvas where this item is in.

(Inherited from CanvasItem.)
Public methodGetCanvasItem

Returns the canvas item RID used by VisualServer for this item.

(Inherited from CanvasItem.)
Public methodGetCanvasTransform

Returns the transform matrix of this item's canvas.

(Inherited from CanvasItem.)
Public methodGetChildT(Int32) (Inherited from Node.)
Public methodGetChildCount

Returns the number of child nodes.

(Inherited from Node.)
Public methodGetChildOrNullT (Inherited from Node.)
Public methodGetChildren

Returns an array of references to node's children.

(Inherited from Node.)
Public methodGetClass

Returns the object's class as a String.

(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetColor

Returns a color from assigned Theme with given name and associated with Control of given node_type.

func _ready():
    modulate = get_color("font_color", "Button") #get the color defined for button fonts

(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodGetCombinedMinimumSize (Inherited from Control.)
Public methodGetConstant

Returns a constant from assigned Theme with given name and associated with Control of given node_type.

(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodGetCursorShape

Returns the mouse cursor shape the control displays on mouse hover. See ControlCursorShape.

(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodGetCustomMinimumSize Obsolete. (Inherited from Control.)
Public methodGetCustomMultiplayer Obsolete. (Inherited from Node.)
Public methodGetCustomStep Obsolete.
Public methodGetDefaultCursorShape Obsolete. (Inherited from Control.)
Public methodGetDragData

Godot calls this method to get data that can be dragged and dropped onto controls that expect drop data. Returns null if there is no data to drag. Controls that want to receive drop data should implement CanDropData(Vector2, Object) and DropData(Vector2, Object). position is local to this control. Drag may be forced with ForceDrag(Object, Control).

A preview that will follow the mouse that should represent the data can be set with SetDragPreview(Control). A good time to set the preview is in this method.

func get_drag_data(position):
    var mydata = make_data()
    return mydata

(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodGetEnd (Inherited from Control.)
Public methodGetFilename Obsolete. (Inherited from Node.)
Public methodGetFocusMode Obsolete. (Inherited from Control.)
Public methodGetFocusNeighbour Obsolete.

Returns the focus neighbour identified by margin constant from Margin enum. A getter method for FocusNeighbourBottom, FocusNeighbourLeft, FocusNeighbourRight and FocusNeighbourTop.

(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodGetFocusNext Obsolete. (Inherited from Control.)
Public methodGetFocusOwner

Returns the control that has the keyboard focus or null if none.

(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodGetFocusPrevious Obsolete. (Inherited from Control.)
Public methodGetFont

Returns a font from assigned Theme with given name and associated with Control of given node_type.

(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodGetGlobalMousePosition

Returns the global position of the mouse.

(Inherited from CanvasItem.)
Public methodGetGlobalPosition Obsolete. (Inherited from Control.)
Public methodGetGlobalRect

Returns the position and size of the control relative to the top-left corner of the screen. See RectPosition and RectSize.

(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodGetGlobalTransform

Returns the global transform matrix of this item.

(Inherited from CanvasItem.)
Public methodGetGlobalTransformWithCanvas

Returns the global transform matrix of this item in relation to the canvas.

(Inherited from CanvasItem.)
Public methodGetGroups

Returns an array listing the groups that the node is a member of.

(Inherited from Node.)
Public methodGetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHGrowDirection Obsolete. (Inherited from Control.)
Public methodGetHSizeFlags Obsolete. (Inherited from Control.)
Public methodGetIcon

Returns an icon from assigned Theme with given name and associated with Control of given node_type.

(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodGetIncomingConnections

Returns an Array of dictionaries with information about signals that are connected to the object.

Each Dictionary contains three String entries:

- source is a reference to the signal emitter.

- signal_name is the name of the connected signal.

- method_name is the name of the method to which the signal is connected.

(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetIndex

Returns the node's index, i.e. its position among the siblings of its parent.

(Inherited from Node.)
Public methodGetIndexed

Gets the object's property indexed by the given NodePath. The node path should be relative to the current object and can use the colon character (:) to access nested properties. Examples: "position:x" or "material:next_pass:blend_mode".

(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetInstanceId

Returns the object's unique instance ID.

This ID can be saved in EncodedObjectAsID, and can be used to retrieve the object instance with @GDScript.instance_from_id.

(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetLightMask Obsolete. (Inherited from CanvasItem.)
Public methodGetLocalMousePosition

Returns the mouse position relative to this item's position.

(Inherited from CanvasItem.)
Public methodGetMargin Obsolete.

Returns the anchor identified by margin constant from Margin enum. A getter method for MarginBottom, MarginLeft, MarginRight and MarginTop.

(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodGetMaterial Obsolete. (Inherited from CanvasItem.)
Public methodGetMax Obsolete. (Inherited from Range.)
Public methodGetMeta

Returns the object's metadata entry for the given name.

(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetMetaList

Returns the object's metadata as a String.

(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetMethodList

Returns the object's methods and their signatures as an Array.

(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetMin Obsolete. (Inherited from Range.)
Public methodGetMinimumSize

Returns the minimum size for this control. See RectMinSize.

(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodGetModulate Obsolete. (Inherited from CanvasItem.)
Public methodGetMouseFilter Obsolete. (Inherited from Control.)
Public methodGetMultiplayer Obsolete. (Inherited from Node.)
Public methodGetName Obsolete. (Inherited from Node.)
Public methodGetNetworkMaster

Returns the peer ID of the network master for this node. See SetNetworkMaster(Int32, Boolean).

(Inherited from Node.)
Public methodGetNodeT(NodePath) (Inherited from Node.)
Public methodGetNodeAndResource

Fetches a node and one of its resources as specified by the NodePath's subname (e.g. Area2D/CollisionShape2D:shape). If several nested resources are specified in the NodePath, the last one will be fetched.

The return value is an array of size 3: the first index points to the Node (or null if not found), the second index points to the Resource (or null if not found), and the third index is the remaining NodePath, if any.

For example, assuming that Area2D/CollisionShape2D is a valid node and that its shape property has been assigned a RectangleShape2D resource, one could have this kind of output:

print(get_node_and_resource("Area2D/CollisionShape2D")) # [[CollisionShape2D:1161], Null, ]
print(get_node_and_resource("Area2D/CollisionShape2D:shape")) # [[CollisionShape2D:1161], [RectangleShape2D:1156], ]
print(get_node_and_resource("Area2D/CollisionShape2D:shape:extents")) # [[CollisionShape2D:1161], [RectangleShape2D:1156], :extents]

(Inherited from Node.)
Public methodGetNodeOrNullT(NodePath) (Inherited from Node.)
Public methodGetOwnerT (Inherited from Node.)
Public methodGetOwnerOrNullT (Inherited from Node.)
Public methodGetPage Obsolete. (Inherited from Range.)
Public methodGetParentT (Inherited from Node.)
Public methodGetParentAreaSize

Returns the width/height occupied in the parent control.

(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodGetParentControl

Returns the parent control node.

(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodGetParentOrNullT (Inherited from Node.)
Public methodGetPassOnModalCloseClick Obsolete. (Inherited from Control.)
Public methodGetPath

Returns the absolute path of the current node. This only works if the current node is inside the scene tree (see IsInsideTree).

(Inherited from Node.)
Public methodGetPathTo

Returns the relative NodePath from this node to the specified node. Both nodes must be in the same scene or the function will fail.

(Inherited from Node.)
Public methodGetPauseMode Obsolete. (Inherited from Node.)
Public methodGetPhysicsProcessDeltaTime

Returns the time elapsed (in seconds) since the last physics-bound frame (see _PhysicsProcess(Single)). This is always a constant value in physics processing unless the frames per second is changed via IterationsPerSecond.

(Inherited from Node.)
Public methodGetPivotOffset Obsolete. (Inherited from Control.)
Public methodGetPosition Obsolete. (Inherited from Control.)
Public methodGetPositionInParent

Returns the node's order in the scene tree branch. For example, if called on the first child node the position is 0.

(Inherited from Node.)
Public methodGetProcessDeltaTime

Returns the time elapsed (in seconds) since the last process callback. This value may vary from frame to frame.

(Inherited from Node.)
Public methodGetProcessPriority Obsolete. (Inherited from Node.)
Public methodGetPropertyList

Returns the object's property list as an Array of dictionaries.

Each property's Dictionary contain at least name: String and type: int (see VariantType) entries. Optionally, it can also include hint: int (see PropertyHint), hint_string: String, and usage: int (see PropertyUsageFlags).

(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetRect

Returns the position and size of the control relative to the top-left corner of the parent Control. See RectPosition and RectSize.

(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodGetRotation

Returns the rotation (in radians).

(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodGetRotationDegrees Obsolete. (Inherited from Control.)
Public methodGetScale Obsolete. (Inherited from Control.)
Public methodGetSceneInstanceLoadPlaceholder

Returns true if this is an instance load placeholder. See InstancePlaceholder.

(Inherited from Node.)
Public methodGetScript

Returns the object's Script instance, or null if none is assigned.

(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetSelfModulate Obsolete. (Inherited from CanvasItem.)
Public methodGetSignalConnectionList

Returns an Array of connections for the given signal.

(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetSignalList

Returns the list of signals as an Array of dictionaries.

(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetSize Obsolete. (Inherited from Control.)
Public methodGetStep Obsolete. (Inherited from Range.)
Public methodGetStretchRatio Obsolete. (Inherited from Control.)
Public methodGetStylebox

Returns a StyleBox from assigned Theme with given name and associated with Control of given node_type.

(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodGetTheme Obsolete. (Inherited from Control.)
Public methodGetTooltip

Returns the tooltip, which will appear when the cursor is resting over this control. See HintTooltip.

(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodGetTransform

Returns the transform matrix of this item.

(Inherited from CanvasItem.)
Public methodGetTree

Returns the SceneTree that contains this node.

(Inherited from Node.)
Public methodGetType (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetUseParentMaterial Obsolete. (Inherited from CanvasItem.)
Public methodGetValue Obsolete. (Inherited from Range.)
Public methodGetVGrowDirection Obsolete. (Inherited from Control.)
Public methodGetViewport

Returns the node's Viewport.

(Inherited from Node.)
Public methodGetViewportRect

Returns the viewport's boundaries as a Rect2.

(Inherited from CanvasItem.)
Public methodGetViewportTransform

Returns this item's transform in relation to the viewport.

(Inherited from CanvasItem.)
Public methodGetVSizeFlags Obsolete. (Inherited from Control.)
Public methodGetWorld2d

Returns the World2D where this item is in.

(Inherited from CanvasItem.)
Public methodGrabClickFocus

Creates an InputEventMouseButton that attempts to click the control. If the event is received, the control acquires focus.

func _process(delta):
    grab_click_focus() #when clicking another Control node, this node will be clicked instead

(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodGrabFocus

Steal the focus from another control and become the focused control (see FocusMode).

(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodHasColor

Returns true if Color with given name and associated with Control of given node_type exists in assigned Theme.

(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodHasColorOverride

Returns true if Color with given name has a valid override in this Control node.

(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodHasConstant

Returns true if constant with given name and associated with Control of given node_type exists in assigned Theme.

(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodHasConstantOverride

Returns true if constant with given name has a valid override in this Control node.

(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodHasFocus

Returns true if this is the current focused control. See FocusMode.

(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodHasFont

Returns true if font with given name and associated with Control of given node_type exists in assigned Theme.

(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodHasFontOverride

Returns true if font with given name has a valid override in this Control node.

(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodHasIcon

Returns true if icon with given name and associated with Control of given node_type exists in assigned Theme.

(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodHasIconOverride

Returns true if icon with given name has a valid override in this Control node.

(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodHasMeta

Returns true if a metadata entry is found with the given name.

(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodHasMethod

Returns true if the object contains the given method.

(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodHasNode

Returns true if the node that the NodePath points to exists.

(Inherited from Node.)
Public methodHasNodeAndResource

Returns true if the NodePath points to a valid node and its subname points to a valid resource, e.g. Area2D/CollisionShape2D:shape. Properties with a non-Resource type (e.g. nodes or primitive math types) are not considered resources.

(Inherited from Node.)
Public methodHasPoint

Virtual method to be implemented by the user. Returns whether the given point is inside this control.

If not overridden, default behavior is checking if the point is within control's Rect.

Note: If you want to check if a point is inside the control, you can use get_rect().has_point(point).

(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodHasShaderOverride

Returns true if Shader with given name has a valid override in this Control node.

(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodHasSignal

Returns true if the given signal exists.

(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodHasStylebox

Returns true if StyleBox with given name and associated with Control of given node_type exists in assigned Theme.

(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodHasStyleboxOverride

Returns true if StyleBox with given name has a valid override in this Control node.

(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodHasUserSignal

Returns true if the given user-defined signal exists. Only signals added using AddUserSignal(String, Array) are taken into account.

(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodHide

Hide the CanvasItem if it's currently visible.

(Inherited from CanvasItem.)
Public methodIsAParentOf

Returns true if the given node is a direct or indirect child of the current node.

(Inherited from Node.)
Public methodIsBlockingSignals

Returns true if signal emission blocking is enabled.

(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodIsClass

Returns true if the object inherits from the given class.

(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodIsClippingContents Obsolete. (Inherited from Control.)
Public methodIsConnected

Returns true if a connection exists for a given signal, target, and method.

(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodIsDisplayedFolded

Returns true if the node is folded (collapsed) in the Scene dock.

(Inherited from Node.)
Public methodIsDrawBehindParentEnabled Obsolete. (Inherited from CanvasItem.)
Public methodIsGreaterAllowed Obsolete. (Inherited from Range.)
Public methodIsGreaterThan

Returns true if the given node occurs later in the scene hierarchy than the current node.

(Inherited from Node.)
Public methodIsInGroup

Returns true if this node is in the specified group. See notes in the description, and the group methods in SceneTree.

(Inherited from Node.)
Public methodIsInsideTree

Returns true if this node is currently inside a SceneTree.

(Inherited from Node.)
Public methodIsLesserAllowed Obsolete. (Inherited from Range.)
Public methodIsLocalTransformNotificationEnabled

Returns true if local transform notifications are communicated to children.

(Inherited from CanvasItem.)
Public methodIsNetworkMaster

Returns true if the local system is the master of this node.

(Inherited from Node.)
Public methodIsPhysicsProcessing

Returns true if physics processing is enabled (see SetPhysicsProcess(Boolean)).

(Inherited from Node.)
Public methodIsPhysicsProcessingInternal

Returns true if internal physics processing is enabled (see SetPhysicsProcessInternal(Boolean)).

(Inherited from Node.)
Public methodIsProcessing

Returns true if processing is enabled (see SetProcess(Boolean)).

(Inherited from Node.)
Public methodIsProcessingInput

Returns true if the node is processing input (see SetProcessInput(Boolean)).

(Inherited from Node.)
Public methodIsProcessingInternal

Returns true if internal processing is enabled (see SetProcessInternal(Boolean)).

(Inherited from Node.)
Public methodIsProcessingUnhandledInput

Returns true if the node is processing unhandled input (see SetProcessUnhandledInput(Boolean)).

(Inherited from Node.)
Public methodIsProcessingUnhandledKeyInput

Returns true if the node is processing unhandled key input (see SetProcessUnhandledKeyInput(Boolean)).

(Inherited from Node.)
Public methodIsQueuedForDeletion (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodIsRatioExp Obsolete. (Inherited from Range.)
Public methodIsSetAsToplevel

Returns true if the node is set as top-level. See SetAsToplevel(Boolean).

(Inherited from CanvasItem.)
Public methodIsTransformNotificationEnabled

Returns true if global transform notifications are communicated to children.

(Inherited from CanvasItem.)
Public methodIsUsingRoundedValues Obsolete. (Inherited from Range.)
Public methodIsVisible Obsolete. (Inherited from CanvasItem.)
Public methodIsVisibleInTree

Returns true if the node is present in the SceneTree, its Visible property is true and all its antecedents are also visible. If any antecedent is hidden, this node will not be visible in the scene tree.

(Inherited from CanvasItem.)
Public methodMakeCanvasPositionLocal

Assigns screen_point as this node's new local transform.

(Inherited from CanvasItem.)
Public methodMakeInputLocal

Transformations issued by event's inputs are applied in local space instead of global space.

(Inherited from CanvasItem.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodMinimumSizeChanged

Invalidates the size cache in this node and in parent nodes up to toplevel. Intended to be used with GetMinimumSize when the return value is changed. Setting RectMinSize directly calls this method automatically.

(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodMoveChild

Moves a child node to a different position (order) among the other children. Since calls, signals, etc are performed by tree order, changing the order of children nodes may be useful.

(Inherited from Node.)
Public methodNotification

Send a given notification to the object, which will also trigger a call to the _Notification(Int32) method of all classes that the object inherits from.

If reversed is true, _Notification(Int32) is called first on the object's own class, and then up to its successive parent classes. If reversed is false, _Notification(Int32) is called first on the highest ancestor (Object itself), and then down to its successive inheriting classes.

(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodPrintStrayNodes

Prints all stray nodes (nodes outside the SceneTree). Used for debugging. Works only in debug builds.

(Inherited from Node.)
Public methodPrintTree

Prints the tree to stdout. Used mainly for debugging purposes. This version displays the path relative to the current node, and is good for copy/pasting into the GetNode(NodePath) function.

Example output:


(Inherited from Node.)
Public methodPrintTreePretty

Similar to PrintTree, this prints the tree to stdout. This version displays a more graphical representation similar to what is displayed in the scene inspector. It is useful for inspecting larger trees.

Example output:

   ┃  ┠╴Label
   ┃  ┖╴Camera2D

(Inherited from Node.)
Public methodPropagateCall

Calls the given method (if present) with the arguments given in args on this node and recursively on all its children. If the parent_first argument is true, the method will be called on the current node first, then on all its children. If parent_first is false, the children will be called first.

(Inherited from Node.)
Public methodPropagateNotification

Notifies the current node and all its children recursively by calling Notification(Int32, Boolean) on all of them.

(Inherited from Node.)
Public methodPropertyListChangedNotify

Notify the editor that the property list has changed, so that editor plugins can take the new values into account. Does nothing on export builds.

(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodQueueFree

Queues a node for deletion at the end of the current frame. When deleted, all of its child nodes will be deleted as well. This method ensures it's safe to delete the node, contrary to Free. Use IsQueuedForDeletion to check whether a node will be deleted at the end of the frame.

Important: If you have a variable pointing to a node, it will not be assigned to null once the node is freed. Instead, it will point to a previously freed instance and you should validate it with @GDScript.is_instance_valid before attempting to call its methods or access its properties.

(Inherited from Node.)
Public methodRaise

Moves this node to the bottom of parent node's children hierarchy. This is often useful in GUIs (Control nodes), because their order of drawing depends on their order in the tree. The top Node is drawn first, then any siblings below the top Node in the hierarchy are successively drawn on top of it. After using raise, a Control will be drawn on top of its siblings.

(Inherited from Node.)
Public methodReleaseFocus

Give up the focus. No other control will be able to receive keyboard input.

(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodRemoveAndSkip

Removes a node and sets all its children as children of the parent node (if it exists). All event subscriptions that pass by the removed node will be unsubscribed.

(Inherited from Node.)
Public methodRemoveChild

Removes a child node. The node is NOT deleted and must be deleted manually.

(Inherited from Node.)
Public methodRemoveFromGroup

Removes a node from a group. See notes in the description, and the group methods in SceneTree.

(Inherited from Node.)
Public methodRemoveMeta

Removes a given entry from the object's metadata. See also SetMeta(String, Object).

(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodReplaceBy

Replaces a node in a scene by the given one. Subscriptions that pass through this node will be lost.

(Inherited from Node.)
Public methodRequestReady

Requests that _ready be called again. Note that the method won't be called immediately, but is scheduled for when the node is added to the scene tree again (see _Ready). _ready is called only for the node which requested it, which means that you need to request ready for each child if you want them to call _ready too (in which case, _ready will be called in the same order as it would normally).

(Inherited from Node.)
Public methodRpc

Sends a remote procedure call request for the given method to peers on the network (and locally), optionally sending all additional arguments as arguments to the method called by the RPC. The call request will only be received by nodes with the same NodePath, including the exact same node name. Behaviour depends on the RPC configuration for the given method, see RpcConfig(String, MultiplayerAPIRPCMode). Methods are not exposed to RPCs by default. See also Rset(String, Object) and RsetConfig(String, MultiplayerAPIRPCMode) for properties. Returns an empty Variant.

Note: You can only safely use RPCs on clients after you received the connected_to_server signal from the SceneTree. You also need to keep track of the connection state, either by the SceneTree signals like server_disconnected or by checking SceneTree.network_peer.get_connection_status() == CONNECTION_CONNECTED.

(Inherited from Node.)
Public methodRpcConfig

Changes the RPC mode for the given method to the given mode. See MultiplayerAPIRPCMode. An alternative is annotating methods and properties with the corresponding keywords (remote, master, puppet, remotesync, mastersync, puppetsync). By default, methods are not exposed to networking (and RPCs). See also Rset(String, Object) and RsetConfig(String, MultiplayerAPIRPCMode) for properties.

(Inherited from Node.)
Public methodRpcId (Inherited from Node.)
Public methodRpcUnreliable (Inherited from Node.)
Public methodRpcUnreliableId (Inherited from Node.)
Public methodRset

Remotely changes a property's value on other peers (and locally). Behaviour depends on the RPC configuration for the given property, see RsetConfig(String, MultiplayerAPIRPCMode). See also Rpc(String, Object) for RPCs for methods, most information applies to this method as well.

(Inherited from Node.)
Public methodRsetConfig

Changes the RPC mode for the given property to the given mode. See MultiplayerAPIRPCMode. An alternative is annotating methods and properties with the corresponding keywords (remote, master, puppet, remotesync, mastersync, puppetsync). By default, properties are not exposed to networking (and RPCs). See also Rpc(String, Object) and RpcConfig(String, MultiplayerAPIRPCMode) for methods.

(Inherited from Node.)
Public methodRsetId

Remotely changes the property's value on a specific peer identified by peer_id (see SetTargetPeer(Int32)).

(Inherited from Node.)
Public methodRsetUnreliable

Remotely changes the property's value on other peers (and locally) using an unreliable protocol.

(Inherited from Node.)
Public methodRsetUnreliableId

Remotely changes property's value on a specific peer identified by peer_id using an unreliable protocol (see SetTargetPeer(Int32)).

(Inherited from Node.)
Public methodSet

Assigns a new value to the given property. If the property does not exist, nothing will happen.

Note: In C#, the property name must be specified as snake_case if it is defined by a built-in Godot node. This doesn't apply to user-defined properties where you should use the same convention as in the C# source (typically PascalCase).

(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodSetAllowGreater Obsolete. (Inherited from Range.)
Public methodSetAllowLesser Obsolete. (Inherited from Range.)
Public methodSetAnchor

Sets the anchor identified by margin constant from Margin enum to value anchor. A setter method for AnchorBottom, AnchorLeft, AnchorRight and AnchorTop.

If keep_margin is true, margins aren't updated after this operation.

If push_opposite_anchor is true and the opposite anchor overlaps this anchor, the opposite one will have its value overridden. For example, when setting left anchor to 1 and the right anchor has value of 0.5, the right anchor will also get value of 1. If push_opposite_anchor was false, the left anchor would get value 0.5.

(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodSetAnchorAndMargin

Works the same as SetAnchor(Margin, Single, Boolean, Boolean), but instead of keep_margin argument and automatic update of margin, it allows to set the margin offset yourself (see SetMargin(Margin, Single)).

(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodSetAnchorsAndMarginsPreset (Inherited from Control.)
Public methodSetAnchorsPreset

Sets the anchors to a preset from ControlLayoutPreset enum. This is code equivalent of using the Layout menu in 2D editor.

If keep_margins is true, control's position will also be updated.

(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodSetAsRatio Obsolete. (Inherited from Range.)
Public methodSetAsToplevel

If enable is true, the node won't inherit its transform from parent canvas items.

(Inherited from CanvasItem.)
Public methodSetBegin

Sets MarginLeft and MarginTop at the same time. Equivalent of changing RectPosition.

(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodSetBlockSignals

If set to true, signal emission is blocked.

(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodSetClipContents Obsolete. (Inherited from Control.)
Public methodSetCustomMinimumSize Obsolete. (Inherited from Control.)
Public methodSetCustomMultiplayer Obsolete. (Inherited from Node.)
Public methodSetCustomStep Obsolete.
Public methodSetDefaultCursorShape Obsolete. (Inherited from Control.)
Public methodSetDeferred

Assigns a new value to the given property, after the current frame's physics step. This is equivalent to calling Set(String, Object) via CallDeferred(String, Object), i.e. call_deferred("set", property, value).

Note: In C#, the property name must be specified as snake_case if it is defined by a built-in Godot node. This doesn't apply to user-defined properties where you should use the same convention as in the C# source (typically PascalCase).

(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodSetDisplayFolded

Sets the folded state of the node in the Scene dock.

(Inherited from Node.)
Public methodSetDragForwarding

Forwards the handling of this control's drag and drop to target control.

Forwarding can be implemented in the target control similar to the methods GetDragData(Vector2), CanDropData(Vector2, Object), and DropData(Vector2, Object) but with two differences:

1. The function name must be suffixed with _fw

2. The function must take an extra argument that is the control doing the forwarding

extends Control
func _ready():

extends Control
func can_drop_data_fw(position, data, from_control):
    return true

func drop_data_fw(position, data, from_control):

func get_drag_data_fw(position, from_control):
    return my_data()

(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodSetDragPreview

Shows the given control at the mouse pointer. A good time to call this method is in GetDragData(Vector2). The control must not be in the scene tree. You should not free the control, and you should not keep a reference to the control beyond the duration of the drag. It will be deleted automatically after the drag has ended.

export (Color, RGBA) var color = Color(1, 0, 0, 1)

func get_drag_data(position):
    # Use a control that is not in the tree
    var cpb =
    cpb.color = color
    cpb.rect_size = Vector2(50, 50)
    return color

(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodSetDrawBehindParent Obsolete. (Inherited from CanvasItem.)
Public methodSetEnd

Sets MarginRight and MarginBottom at the same time.

(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodSetExpRatio Obsolete. (Inherited from Range.)
Public methodSetFilename Obsolete. (Inherited from Node.)
Public methodSetFocusMode Obsolete. (Inherited from Control.)
Public methodSetFocusNeighbour Obsolete.

Sets the anchor identified by margin constant from Margin enum to Control at neighbor node path. A setter method for FocusNeighbourBottom, FocusNeighbourLeft, FocusNeighbourRight and FocusNeighbourTop.

(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodSetFocusNext Obsolete. (Inherited from Control.)
Public methodSetFocusPrevious Obsolete. (Inherited from Control.)
Public methodSetGlobalPosition

Sets the RectGlobalPosition to given position.

If keep_margins is true, control's anchors will be updated instead of margins.

(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodSetHGrowDirection Obsolete. (Inherited from Control.)
Public methodSetHSizeFlags Obsolete. (Inherited from Control.)
Public methodSetIndexed

Assigns a new value to the property identified by the NodePath. The node path should be relative to the current object and can use the colon character (:) to access nested properties. Example:

set_indexed("position", Vector2(42, 0))
set_indexed("position:y", -10)
print(position) # (42, -10)

(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodSetLightMask Obsolete. (Inherited from CanvasItem.)
Public methodSetMargin Obsolete.

Sets the margin identified by margin constant from Margin enum to given offset. A setter method for MarginBottom, MarginLeft, MarginRight and MarginTop.

(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodSetMarginsPreset

Sets the margins to a preset from ControlLayoutPreset enum. This is code equivalent of using the Layout menu in 2D editor.

Use parameter resize_mode with constants from ControlLayoutPresetMode to better determine the resulting size of the Control. Constant size will be ignored if used with presets that change size, e.g. PRESET_LEFT_WIDE.

Use parameter margin to determine the gap between the Control and the edges.

(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodSetMaterial Obsolete. (Inherited from CanvasItem.)
Public methodSetMax Obsolete. (Inherited from Range.)
Public methodSetMessageTranslation

Defines whether the object can translate strings (with calls to Tr(String)). Enabled by default.

(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodSetMeta

Adds, changes or removes a given entry in the object's metadata. Metadata are serialized and can take any Variant value.

To remove a given entry from the object's metadata, use RemoveMeta(String). Metadata is also removed if its value is set to null. This means you can also use set_meta("name", null) to remove metadata for "name".

(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodSetMin Obsolete. (Inherited from Range.)
Public methodSetModulate Obsolete. (Inherited from CanvasItem.)
Public methodSetMouseFilter Obsolete. (Inherited from Control.)
Public methodSetName Obsolete. (Inherited from Node.)
Public methodSetNetworkMaster

Sets the node's network master to the peer with the given peer ID. The network master is the peer that has authority over the node on the network. Useful in conjunction with the master and puppet keywords. Inherited from the parent node by default, which ultimately defaults to peer ID 1 (the server). If recursive, the given peer is recursively set as the master for all children of this node.

(Inherited from Node.)
Public methodSetNotifyLocalTransform

If enable is true, children will be updated with local transform data.

(Inherited from CanvasItem.)
Public methodSetNotifyTransform

If enable is true, children will be updated with global transform data.

(Inherited from CanvasItem.)
Public methodSetOwner Obsolete. (Inherited from Node.)
Public methodSetPage Obsolete. (Inherited from Range.)
Public methodSetPassOnModalCloseClick Obsolete. (Inherited from Control.)
Public methodSetPauseMode Obsolete. (Inherited from Node.)
Public methodSetPhysicsProcess

Enables or disables physics (i.e. fixed framerate) processing. When a node is being processed, it will receive a at a fixed (usually 60 FPS, see IterationsPerSecond to change) interval (and the _PhysicsProcess(Single) callback will be called if exists). Enabled automatically if _PhysicsProcess(Single) is overridden. Any calls to this before _Ready will be ignored.

(Inherited from Node.)
Public methodSetPhysicsProcessInternal

Enables or disables internal physics for this node. Internal physics processing happens in isolation from the normal _PhysicsProcess(Single) calls and is used by some nodes internally to guarantee proper functioning even if the node is paused or physics processing is disabled for scripting (SetPhysicsProcess(Boolean)). Only useful for advanced uses to manipulate built-in nodes' behavior.

Warning: Built-in Nodes rely on the internal processing for their own logic, so changing this value from your code may lead to unexpected behavior. Script access to this internal logic is provided for specific advanced uses, but is unsafe and not supported.

(Inherited from Node.)
Public methodSetPivotOffset Obsolete. (Inherited from Control.)
Public methodSetPosition

Sets the RectPosition to given position.

If keep_margins is true, control's anchors will be updated instead of margins.

(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodSetProcess

Enables or disables processing. When a node is being processed, it will receive a on every drawn frame (and the _Process(Single) callback will be called if exists). Enabled automatically if _Process(Single) is overridden. Any calls to this before _Ready will be ignored.

(Inherited from Node.)
Public methodSetProcessInput

Enables or disables input processing. This is not required for GUI controls! Enabled automatically if _Input(InputEvent) is overridden. Any calls to this before _Ready will be ignored.

(Inherited from Node.)
Public methodSetProcessInternal

Enables or disabled internal processing for this node. Internal processing happens in isolation from the normal _Process(Single) calls and is used by some nodes internally to guarantee proper functioning even if the node is paused or processing is disabled for scripting (SetProcess(Boolean)). Only useful for advanced uses to manipulate built-in nodes' behavior.

Warning: Built-in Nodes rely on the internal processing for their own logic, so changing this value from your code may lead to unexpected behavior. Script access to this internal logic is provided for specific advanced uses, but is unsafe and not supported.

(Inherited from Node.)
Public methodSetProcessPriority Obsolete. (Inherited from Node.)
Public methodSetProcessUnhandledInput

Enables unhandled input processing. This is not required for GUI controls! It enables the node to receive all input that was not previously handled (usually by a Control). Enabled automatically if _UnhandledInput(InputEvent) is overridden. Any calls to this before _Ready will be ignored.

(Inherited from Node.)
Public methodSetProcessUnhandledKeyInput

Enables unhandled key input processing. Enabled automatically if _UnhandledKeyInput(InputEventKey) is overridden. Any calls to this before _Ready will be ignored.

(Inherited from Node.)
Public methodSetRotation

Sets the rotation (in radians).

(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodSetRotationDegrees Obsolete. (Inherited from Control.)
Public methodSetScale Obsolete. (Inherited from Control.)
Public methodSetSceneInstanceLoadPlaceholder

Sets whether this is an instance load placeholder. See InstancePlaceholder.

(Inherited from Node.)
Public methodSetScript

Assigns a script to the object. Each object can have a single script assigned to it, which are used to extend its functionality.

If the object already had a script, the previous script instance will be freed and its variables and state will be lost. The new script's method will be called.

(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodSetSelfModulate Obsolete. (Inherited from CanvasItem.)
Public methodSetSize

Sets the size (see RectSize).

If keep_margins is true, control's anchors will be updated instead of margins.

(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodSetStep Obsolete. (Inherited from Range.)
Public methodSetStretchRatio Obsolete. (Inherited from Control.)
Public methodSetTheme Obsolete. (Inherited from Control.)
Public methodSetTooltip Obsolete. (Inherited from Control.)
Public methodSetUseParentMaterial Obsolete. (Inherited from CanvasItem.)
Public methodSetUseRoundedValues Obsolete. (Inherited from Range.)
Public methodSetValue Obsolete. (Inherited from Range.)
Public methodSetVGrowDirection Obsolete. (Inherited from Control.)
Public methodSetVisible Obsolete. (Inherited from CanvasItem.)
Public methodSetVSizeFlags Obsolete. (Inherited from Control.)
Public methodShare

Binds two ranges together along with any ranges previously grouped with either of them. When any of range's member variables change, it will share the new value with all other ranges in its group.

(Inherited from Range.)
Public methodShow

Show the CanvasItem if it's currently hidden. For controls that inherit Popup, the correct way to make them visible is to call one of the multiple popup*() functions instead.

(Inherited from CanvasItem.)
Public methodShowModal

Displays a control as modal. Control must be a subwindow. Modal controls capture the input signals until closed or the area outside them is accessed. When a modal control loses focus, or the ESC key is pressed, they automatically hide. Modal controls are used extensively for popup dialogs and menus.

If exclusive is true, other controls will not receive input and clicking outside this control will not close it.

(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodCode exampleToSignal
Returns a new SignalAwaiter awaiter configured to complete when the instance source emits the signal specified by the signal parameter.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodToString (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodTr

Translates a message using translation catalogs configured in the Project Settings.

Only works if message translation is enabled (which it is by default), otherwise it returns the message unchanged. See SetMessageTranslation(Boolean).

(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodUnshare

Stops range from sharing its member variables with any other.

(Inherited from Range.)
Public methodUpdate

Queue the CanvasItem for update. will be called on idle time to request redraw.

(Inherited from CanvasItem.)
Public methodUpdateConfigurationWarning

Updates the warning displayed for this node in the Scene Dock.

Use _GetConfigurationWarning to setup the warning message to display.

(Inherited from Node.)
Public methodWarpMouse

Moves the mouse cursor to to_position, relative to RectPosition of this Control.

(Inherited from Control.)
See Also